Sunday 6 December 2015

Les 7000 biscuits de Noël

Il s'agit d'une opération d'envergure à en faire pâlir les plus assidus confectionneurs de biscuits de noël. En tout, une quinzaine de personnes participent de près ou de loin à la production massive. Plus de sept mille (7'000) biscuits en dix-sept (17) sortes sont préparés en deux jours de travail intense.

Sunday 18 October 2015

The Philippine Islands - Part III

El Nido was again rainy as in rain season. But this was also because it was not only rainy season but also typhoon season. We had a typhoon sweeping by over Manila towards Japan rippling some rainy effects upon us.

The view from Aquanaut and Camembert rocking the rain

The Philippine Islands - part II

In Puerto we stayed in Villa Travelista Travel Lodge, a small homestay type of accommodation run by the family living there. We stayed there for two nights with the husband and wife and their latest daughter. If I remember well, they had 4 daughters and maybe even a son. Two of the daughters were Miss Palawan at least. The latest was more interested in watching TV at home. The lodge is located out of tourist's way. I quite enjoyed it, although it was full of mosquitoes.

Saturday 10 October 2015

The Philippine Islands - part I

What about the Philippines? Not much to say, except that it's a great country, with great people (is it me, or do I say that about almost any country I visit?).

Despite planning the trip in the wrong season due to heavy rains, we had a blast. Being low season as well as rainy season, we could negotiate good deals for transport and accommodation.

Our plan was very simple: we had none.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Philippines here we go!

Well it's almost there. My upcoming business trip to the Philippines.

My plan there? To meet my two friends from Canada and France. I met them both in Cambodia last year. I was looking for friends to visit Siem Reap. I asked those two guys. Never made a better mistake. Honestly, it wasn't a mistake.

Otherwise, try new beers, see new things, meet new people, dive some, drive some motorcycle, see chocolate of a different kind, etc.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Discovering Israel

Tel Aviv Yafo
Not even set foot in the plane yet, and our favourite traveller already experiences Israeli security. When flying with Elal, the Israeli Airlines company, you will have an enhanced security check from anywhere you will be leaving. In Israeli airports, this security is streamlined into the global check-in and passport check process. They will ask you many questions about your trip, your contacts, your travel companions and other things. They might ask personal questions and may want to see proof of conversation with your local contacts. They will hand search every piece of luggage you will bring and make sure you are the only person who has touched your bags before coming to the airport. This is both ways.

Saturday 28 March 2015

The next step

After being comfortably insecure, stepping out of that infamous comfort zone, I'm almost back in that well-known swiss security place which I found so boring.

It made me leave, it made me discover other places, other cultures, other ways of living. Good or bad, always an experience.

I've seen people surviving, begging and thriving.

I've been culturally shocked, mostly when I came back to the so called civilized world.

Friday 16 January 2015

My new line of career

I'm the keeper of cats
Don't leave them alone in fear
Hire me, he who pats
I'll only drink your beer
Eat all the food I can find
And your cat's loneliness
Disappears without a mess